Thursday, August 5, 2010

A quiz for the ladies

Okay ladies...I need your help. Take a look at this picture (you can click on it to get a better look) and tell me which guy you think is the most attractive? I bet your saying "that's a trick question...there all the same guy!" Well, is the same guy, but the correct answer is the guy in the red shirt.

Yesterday on Chris & the Crew, we talked about a study that was done at the University of Buffalo that found that women are attracted to men who wear red. Apparently, it is something in your subconscious that associated the color red with power and in turn, makes you more attracted to the guy wearing red.

Do you agree with the survey? (I hope not, because to be honest, I don't really think I look good in red and don't own many red shirts). And what types of things do you associate with other colors that guys wear? For example, is a guy who wears black a bad boy? Is a guy who wears blue the all-American boy next door type? Is a guy who wears pink a sissy? And does a guy who wears brown work for UPS?


  1. hahah the guy in the red stood out most:D i loled at the ups part:D i dont think its true i guess

  2. Yes, the guy in red stood out the most. For him, red was the best color depends on the guy. My ex, believe it or not, looked great in orange or yellow. Skin color and hair color all play into it.
