Thursday, May 6, 2010

What are you doing on July 20, 2012?

Did you hear that the next Batman movie has been given a release date? It's scheduled to come out on July 20th. Wait, not July 20, 2010. Not even July 20, 2011, but July 20, 2012. Personally, I don't even know what I'm doing next week, much less 2012, but if you like to plan ahead, mark your calendars now for these upcoming movies and then post which ones you're most excited about below.


-A new Spider Man is set for release on May 6, 2011.

-Johnny Depp is back with a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie on May 20, 2011.

-Bradley Cooper and friends return for The Hangover 2 on May 30, 2011.

-Kung Fu Panda 2 comes out on June 3, 2011 and another animated sequel, Cars 2, is set for June 24, 2011.

-Transformers 3 will be released on July 1, 2011.

-The Smurf Movie has a smurfy release date of July 29, 2011.

-The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn is scheduled to come out on November 18, 2011

Plus, there are lots of other sequels scheduled for 2011: Alvin & the Chipmunks 3, Bourne 4, Ghostbusters 3, Hairspray 2, Men In Black 3, Mission Impossible 4, National Treasure 3, Night at the Museum 3, Scream 4, Terminator 5, and new Wolverine and X-Men installments.


-Madagascar 3 is set for a May 25, 2012 release.

-JJ Abrams' Star Trek sequel is scheduled to come out on June 29, 2012.

-Christian Bale and director Christopher Nolan return with their third Batman movie on July 20, 2012.

-A new Monsters Inc. movie is set for November 16, 2012.

-Plus, these movies are also set to be released in 2012: an Avatar sequel, Iron Man 3, Ice Age 4, Indiana Jones 5, and a Lord of the Rings prequel.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously Dave? Smurf Movie? LOL lemme guess, Papa Smurf was your fave? :) Of everything on the way, probably only intrested in Batman, Mission Imposs, Natl Treasure Scream, MIB and Indiana Jones. Huh, those are all sequels aren't they?
