Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Am I a soccer fan?

SPOILER ALERT! If you're like Newman and you taped today's US World Cup game so that you can watch it later tonight, stop reading this now (although, I'm guessing that since you're on the internet, you probably already know the result).

I'm not a soccer fan. Like a lot of other people, I find it pretty boring. I also don't like how fans can get excited about finishing a game in a tie. And I really hate those stupid horns that you can hear in the background of every World Cup game, but I've got to admit, I couldn't help but be excited when earlier today the US beat Algeria with a dramatic goal at the end of a game that they had to win.

So am I now a soccer fan? Nope. After the World Cup, will I watch or go to another soccer game? Probably not, but will I continue to follow the US team until their World Cup run is over? Definitely. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. How can you not be a soccer fan? What other sport ends in that dramatic of a way? What other sport brings together that many people worldwide? Sure, it can be boring, but what sport can't? I love baseball too, but that can be more boring than watching grass grow!
