Monday, June 21, 2010

I should give myself a spoiler alert

This weekend, I stumbled across the movie Drag Me To Hell on tv. You may have seen it or heard of it. It's a horror movie that was in theaters about a year ago. It was directed by Spider Man's Sam Raimi and stars Alison Lohman and Justin Long.

I remember when it was out being somewhat intrigued by the concept. Basically, Alison Lohman's character works at a band and to prove to her boss that she can be tough, turns down a loan request made by an elderly woman. The elderly woman then puts a curse on Lohman's character and that's when the trouble begins.

The movie is not necessarily scary, but it is suspenseful. Suspenseful enough that as I was watching, I decided to look it up on Wikipedia to find out what was going to happen. It's like reading the last page of a book even though you're only half way through. I've done it before with reality tv shows, but I've actually purposely not done it with the current season of the Bachelorette (although, if you want to know what is going to happen on the Bachelorette, I can tell you where to find out). The internet makes it so easy to find anything you have ever wanted to know, which isn't always a good thing.

Am I the only person who does this or have you "spoiled" things for yourself? Let me know. Oh...and by the way, guess what happens at the end of Drag Me To Hell?

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