Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Would you see a movie starring these guys?

This morning with Chris & the Crew, Chris mentioned that Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds will be starring in a movie together. I know that Chris & Wendy both think that those two guys are incredibly hot, so I asked them if they would go to see a movie just because Bradley and Ryan were in it. I was surprised when they both said yes.

I mentioned that I like Jessica Alba, but I'm not sure if I've seen one of her movies. None of them have really interested me. And if Jessica was starring in a movie with one of my other favorites, Scarlett Johansson, I still don't think I'd see it if the movie's plot didn't draw me in. (By the way, for all I know, maybe they've already been in a movie together).

So what about you? Would you pay to see a movie just because someone you found attractive was starring in it?


  1. i would go watch ryan reynolds sit in a chair and doing nothing for 2 hours.
